Come join your SSSRA friends as we create a beautiful watercolor painting! We will be painting large flowers using watercolors, just like the famous artist Georgia O’Keefe.
If this is your first Activity Backpack event, you will receive a backpack with all the supplies. If you have already participated in an activity backpack event, you will only receive the supplies for this event. All participants will receive an activity book.
Thank you to Old Plank Trail Community Bank for sponsoring the activity backpacks.
Due to the generosity of an Anonymous Donor, this program is offered free of charge for all participants.
All ages
Sat, July 24
12:30 – 1:30 pm
Registration Deadline: Fri, July 9
R: FREE (pick up activity backpack at SSSRA office)
$5 (activity backpack dropped off at your house*)
NR: FREE (pick up activity backpack at SSSRA office)
15424 (pick up activity backpack at SSSRA office)
Click here to register for pick up.
15425 (activity backpack dropped off at your house*)
Click here to register for drop off.
*Drop off option only available for residents.
Activity backpack will be dropped off during the day on Fri, July 23.